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Year 6 Complete Year's Religious Studies R.E. Planning

Year 6 Complete Year's Religious Studies R.E. Planning

For year 6 complete planning all terms. Easily adaptable up or down, so will save you hours. Catholic in flavour but other religions included. Contains powerpoints, planning, worksheets, info etc. Why not look at the bundles. Incredible value and it’ll save your precious Sundays. Ideal if you have been chosen to deliver R.E. sample planning :
Religion Story of the People of God Lots of Planning Catholic Flavour

Religion Story of the People of God Lots of Planning Catholic Flavour

Lots of great planning. The unit covers: Start to understand the structure of the Bible. Research some different styles of writing found in the Bible. Discuss some of the important figures in the OT and understand why and how they had a special relationship with God. Analyse The story of the fall. Know the story of Cain and Abel. Relate the story to our relationships with friends and family. Know the story of Manna from Heaven. (Exodus 16: 1-18) Understand why God provided for the needs of his people. Empathise with all involved. Explain how we can show our love for God through our obedience of the ten commandments. Sample planning : Introduce the new unit to the children and explain that, through this five week unit of RE, we will be learning about some of the different styles of literature found in the Bible. We will also be learning about some significant people from the Old Testament and their relationship with God. Introduce the LO. Display the word ‘ancestors’ on the board and children to TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word. Take feedback from class. Share meaning and address any misconceptions. Children to think about stories that they know about their family and the ancestors that went before them. Talk about people who research their family tree – they are researching their ancestors. The people who came before them. Discuss the program ‘Who do you think you are?’ on BBC 1. Show the opening credits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCeWuSgiqHI Discuss the title of the program. Don’t these celebrities already know who they are? They know their own names, their dates of birth, their parents’ names: what else are they looking for? Discuss how a knowledge of where we have come from, might help us to understand or plan where we need to go to. Bring this back to the Bible. The Bible is a library of books which gives us information about our ancestors – the people of God. Explain to the children that the Bible contains the story of the Jewish people in the Old Testament and is the foundation of the story of the Christian people in the New Testament. Revise work from Year 4 about the Bible being a library of books rather than just one book. (Use the ‘books of the Bible’ slide on PPT). Ch to count up how many books in the Bible – 39 in OT, 27 in NT – 66 in total
Ash Wednesday Lent Teaching Resources  Planning Powerpoints Worksheets Religion

Ash Wednesday Lent Teaching Resources Planning Powerpoints Worksheets Religion

I taught in Catholic schools for years. Now happily retired, I have assembled all my planning for Lent. Packed full of stuff. Powerpoints, planning, worksheets, masses etc etc. This will really make your life easy. Over 300 mb of stuff. Nearly 500 files. Sample planning : PRAYER Start with prayer, light candle, music – look at and reflect on the temptations of Jesus. INTRODUCTION Read the text of the temptations of Jesus. Why was Jesus in the desert in the first place? What had just happened to him before this episode in his life? Recall the three things the devil asked Jesus to do. What was Jesus’ response on each occasion? Why do you think these three things were chosen to tempt Jesus? Jesus was as human as you and me, in all but sin, and yet at the same time he was Gods’ Son. Do you really think it was difficult for him to say no to the devil? Why do you think it might have been difficult? Look at the text again. Are there any indicators, which show that this was easy? MAIN ACTIVITY Imagine you are Jesus. Write a diary entry about the temptations and how it affected you. LA to use writing frame MA to work with partners and write a diary entry about the temptations and how it affected them. HA to work independently and write a diary entry about the temptations and how it affected them. They will need to also discuss the different responses given by Christ. Assistant to support LA group. TA n/a PLENARY AND PRAYER Reflect on the temptations of Jesus in the desert. End with prayer – reflect on Jesus’ response to the devil. PRAYER Start with prayer, light candle, music – look at and reflect on the temptations of Jesus. INTRODUCTION Using the following: read the text of the temptations of Jesus. In groups, children to brainstorm the word “temptation” and create a mind map of associated words. What is it like when you are tempted to do something you shouldn’t? How can we tell the difference between doing something that is right or wrong? How can we resist the things that are wrong? MAIN ACTIVITY Children to write of a time when they resisted temptation or when somebody gave into temptation. Explore the consequences of the different actions. LA to use writing frame MA to work with partners and write of a time when they resisted temptation HA to work independently and write of a time when they resisted temptation and when they gave into temptation. They will need to explore the consequences of the different actions. Mr Mayor to support LA group TA n/a PLENARY AND PRAYER Reflect on the difference between doing something that is right and something wrong. End with prayer – reflect on how we can resist the things that are wrong.